
I’m often asked what I use to enhance my energy.
Below is a list of my go-to products.
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One of the best parts of my day is when I take a bath at night. Few things are more relaxing than a bath with Epsom Salt and lavender essential oil. I find that it relaxes my muscles, detoxifies my energy body as well as my physical body. I posted here the large bag that we order because I don’t like having to pick up 3 bags at at time at the grocery store (that’s how fast we go through Epsom Salt). This bag will last a couple weeks.

Magnesium Glycinate is one of the best forms of magnesium to take, because it is easily absorbed. At the end of the day, our muscles are usually pretty tight. That can be related to our stress and the lack of magnesium in our food. Almost every night, I take magnesium to help my muscles relax, help with over 300 cellular functions, and help with a successful morning poop! It is very important to poop every day and magnesium helps to relax the digestive system, so that you can poop more easily.

At night, I like to watch a little bit of Netflix before bed, but I don’t want to be absorbing the blue light from the TV because it sends a signal to my brain that it is time to stay awake, rather than wind down for bed. These glasses block the same blue light that comes from the sun. The blue light is meant to signal to our brain that the day has begun. I was resistant to blue blocking glasses because it can alter the way the show looks, but I found with this slight tint that it doesn’t alter the way the show looks too much,

and it still helps to increase my deep sleep. There are definitely much darker glasses, that you’ll see below, that my partner wears, and she gets even more deep sleep than I do.
This Chili Pad probably had the most significant impact on my deep sleep. Often times I would get very hot at night and want to crank down that AC and my partner would be freezing. We’d often argue about what the temp in the room/house should be before we went to bed. She’d want it in the 70s and I’d want it in the 60s. This gadget ended that argument. I keep my chilipad, year round, at 67 degrees (her’s is at 77 degrees—no wonder we argued!). That means I’m sleeping ON 67 degrees. When it’s that

cold, my body goes into like a hibernation mode and I’m able to get really deep sleep, because I’m not waking up sweaty and uncomfortable and I don’t have to go downstairs to turn the AC on so my room gets colder. Bonus! I’m not cooling down the whole house either, which probably saves money in electricity. I can’t say enough good things about the chili pad. I love it!
I have the MTHFR gene mutation, which makes it difficult for me to detoxify my body. I don’t have as many detoxification pathways open as some other people may have. I’ve noticed, based on scientific research, and what I’ve noticed within my body, a good B-Complex will help to usher out these toxins. In my opinion, less toxins equal more energy.

I love Bulletproof coffee, because it is low toxin and low in mold. Most coffee leaves us with a jittery feeling, not from the caffine, but because it is crapy, toxinfilled, mold exposed, coffee. Bulletproof is not like that. It gets a coffee rating in the 90s because of it’s purity. I also love Bulletproof products because Dave Aspry is very open and honest about his journey to getting well. He is very scientific in his approach and has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to figure out what helps us uplevel our energy and helps us to heal our body! Thanks Dave for being our guinea pig!

Based on research, and my experience, Elderberry can help to inhibit the flu virus from getting into our cells. Eldberry is also shown to boost the immune system. These gummies have Elderberry, but also other immune boosting vitamins as well. I love these gummies because they are great for travel. I love the convenience of them and both my son and I love the taste.

Again, I have the MTHFR gene mutation, which makes it difficult for me to detoxify my body. I don’t have as many detoxification pathways open as some other people may have. I’ve noticed, based on scientific research, and what I’ve noticed within my body, a good B-12 spray will help to usher out these toxins. In my opinion, less toxins equal more energy. This spray is easy to use and tastes great. I spray it in my mouth in the morning after I brush my teeth. Bonus! My son also likes the taste.

I love Organifi. Because I’m a busy mom, I don’t always have time to make my own green juices. Green juices are super important for our overall health because they help us to detoxify and essentially uplevel our energy. I love Organifi, not only be cause it has great tasting ingredients and is low carb, I love what Drew Canoli, the owner and founder of Organifi stands for. His story is truly inspiring, and he is on a mission to help people heal.

A lot of parents ask me what vitamins I give to my son. I use these vitamins because it’s nice to know my son is getting enough nutrients. I know, at times, it can be hard to get your child to eat veggies and not eat the same thing everyday. These vitamins are like a safety net. They provide the things his cells need to keep functioning properly as he grows rapidly, and they have lots of great nutrients that can be hard to get into a kid —like fish oil. My son loves these vitamins, and will happily take them (he won’t take pills yet).

This is the syrup that I take every morning. It helps boost the immune system and I keep it right next to the B-12 spray.

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