“I think… the most important alternative medicine treatment of all…is the area of energy medicine.” ~Dr. Oz

So what is energy medicine?
Energy medicine is Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, Qi Gong, reflexology, Donna Eden’s meridian work, and many others. To be quite honest, they are all working with the same thing–the body’s energy system, so placing all these under the same umbrella makes it easier to talk about. Each modality offers a unique way of translating the energy from one source to another, but ultimately, they are all using the same main tool-universal energy force or Qi.
Some of you may be unfamiliar with referring to the body as being “made up of energy.” You are not alone. Western medicine has certainly made it difficult to get a glimpse of these “alternative medicines”– mostly because the drug companies would be missing out on millions of dollars spent on prescription drugs (I’ll explain why that is true at a later time).
First, we all need to be on the same page–the human body is made up of energy. On the simplest level, energy cannot be created or destroyed. You may remember from Earth Science class (thanks Ms. Silva!) that the universe came from a single atom splitting.
That same energy has been recycled for billions of years. Each of us is made up of that very same energy. Essentially we have all been dinosaurs, plants, fish, rocks, spiders, etc.–at least part of one. It sure makes it easier to comprehend the idea that we are all “One”– doesn’t it?
Ok, so moving onto a deeper level. Many of us are familiar with the idea that the brain “fires” signals (electrically) to the rest of the body.
These signals tell the body (all the way down to the cellular level) what to do, but in fact, the heart is the major source of energy in the body. It helps supply the energy necessary to run the body. The heart is energetically 5,000 times stronger than the brain! The electromagnetic energy from the heart can be measured up to 10 feet away! Holy moly is right! Guess what, when you were feeling “heartache” because your partner, lover, mother, father, whoever spends a lot of time with you, left to go somewhere far away, your heart was looking for their heartbeat (unique energetic pattern emitted from their heart).
When you are around someone for a significant amount of time, your energetic system begins to recognize and sync up with the other’s heartbeat. So when he/she leaves, your heartbeat continually searches for his/hers. Awwww, how romantic. Scientists believe that our heartbeat energy is continuing to travel out into outer space continually.
Ok, now for the stuff that may blow your mind. At least it blew my mind. (Drum roll please…) The brain of the cell is NOT the nucleus. Yup! I’ll give you a minute. It is the cell membrane that is the brain of the cell. They now call it the plasma membrane. The name says it all (memBRANE-jeesh, that’s obvious). The plasma membrane is on the outside of the cell. How do we know this? Well, my buddy (I wish) Dr. Bruce Lipton decided to take a cell and put it in a petri dish, and put an apple slice near the cell. The cell actually moved towards the apple.
He took the same cell and put it near a toxin, and it moved away. This is evidence that the cell/plasma membrane senses the environment. It sends a signal (via e-mail-jk) back to the now emotionally defeated nucleus. That’s how the body is able to reproduce/repair what is needed to be reproduced/repaired at the time. The nucleus is like a filing cabinet and pulls out the blueprint (of an ear cell, blood cell, etc) that is needed at the time. Without the plasma membrane’s input, the nucleus is at a loss of what to do.
So WHY is this important?
Thinking more globally… So if humans are made up of trillions of cells, this means that we are like walking antennas- constantly sensing our environment. Now can you see why you may not like the “energy of a person/room/situation?” It is your cells (trillions!) talking to you. Now is it a little easier to understand how the body may respond to energy medicine?
Alright, I think I’ve bombarded you with enough to think about. Enjoy the rest of your day. I will!