“Here the skeptic finds chaos and the believer further evidence that the hand that made us is divine.” ~Robert Moses

I love a good skeptic. Especially the nuclear physicist kind.
Recently I found myself in conversation with one trying to explain energy healing. They know splitting an atom (which is essentially making something less than what it was!) results in more than they can handle— but energy healing under the very same sky is impossible! I think not!
We all hear people say things like, “I like her energy,” “she’s really positive,” “I got a good vibe from her,” or “I’m getting mixed signals” —yet many can’t seem to believe our energy is readable.
Here’s the physics of it all– our bodies essentially flash in and out of existence. Yeah, I know, hard to believe. This is because, on the most basic level, we are composed of atoms, and the components of an atom flash in and out of existence.
From a biological view, each strand of DNA contracts several BILLION times a second! That’s just amazing! Each contraction releases a photon of light carrying all your genetic information!
It turns out the brain doesn’t have the circuitry (RAM) to be able to process all this information and store it. So it is released from the body in frequencies. The information is then stored in the electromagnetic field (the aura) that encapsulates the human body. This field is photographable, measurable, and well-documented to exist.
Essentially, our field (aura) is a magnet holding onto all our information. Scientists know this because they have seen Alzheimer patients (missing 40% of their brain) be able to recall information from their past under hypnosis—with great clarity!!! That means that the information is being stored outside of the brain.
If our information is suspended in the air like radio waves, it’s understandable that we could tune into these energy frequencies and listen to what’s going on. Some refer to us as human antennas.
We’ve probably all seen a mangled antenna incapable of receiving a radio station— our bodies are the same. If they are “mangled” by an inappropriate diet, lack of exercise, and detrimental thoughts, we aren’t going to be clear receivers of guidance.
To be able to hear clear guidance you have to treat your antennae really well. I look at my body like my instrument. That’s why I have become so adept at sensing energy. I continually feed my mind, body, and spirit with things that create alignment so that I am able to clearly differentiate between my body’s energy and others’. I also do this so that I am in vibrational alignment with the things I want in life.
If the Law of Attraction isn’t working for you, your antennae might need adjusting!