“Far across the distance, And spaces between us, You have come to show you go on…” -Celine Dion

I’m quite baffled by the number of people who are coming to me reporting that the doctors are “mystified” and “can’t figure out” what’s going on in a particular body. These cases seem to make sense to me even before I start listening to their energetic system.
Hearing a few symptoms, recalling different energy modalities, and tuning into the energetic body creates an obvious map to wellness (at least better-ness). Even my massage book talks about the benefits of energy work –giving substantial credit to Reflexology, Acupuncture, Chakras, Meridians, and their energetic emotional components in creating wellness. I wish doctors were given just a little more instruction about the general mapping and linking of emotions and physical symptoms– we might find a more well-rounded approach to wellness. We all have different experiences, which makes us unique! How could one scope of medicine treat all of us the same? It can’t.
I keep seeing a pattern of doctors saying “Well, take this medicine, maybe it’ll work.” Come on docs! Stop overprescribing! Masking a symptom is not treating the cause! Get to the root of the illness–especially considering there are over 100,000 deaths a year due to people taking prescriptions as suggested by their doctors.
I may seem like I’m ranting, but I am mystified. I can’t comprehend how doctors need to spend so much time in medical school without studying the energetic component of the body. Some doctors and skeptics don’t believe in energy work because it hasn’t been proven by Western medical research–but the truth is, it is being researched, and we are getting closer to a marriage of the two. Skeptics also say they can’t see how it works. I’d like to say, do you have any clue how text messages are sent and received? Or how the NY Giants appear in your living room Monday nights throughout the fall?
Sometimes all we have is faith–and Guinea pigs. No seriously, Eastern medicine has been so successful in mapping the energetic system because they’ve studied living human beings! Beings containing energy! Western medicine studies cadavers–beings without energy. Now it is easy to see why they are in the dark about energy!
Here’s a pretty powerful example of how emotional energy is stored within the body and transferred energetically. You may recall, the heart is 5000x as energetically strong as the brain.
There was a 5-year-old boy named Daryl who received a heart transplant from a young boy named Thomas (nicknamed Tim by his parents).
Upon an interview with Daryl, the 5-year-old recipient, (with no prior knowledge about his donor), said, “I gave the boy [donor] a name. He’s younger than me and I call him ‘Timmy’. He’s just a little kid. He’s a little brother like about half my age. He got hurt badly when he fell down. He likes Power Rangers a lot, I think, just like I used to. I don’t like them anymore, though.”
After the surgery, Daryl’s mother found out that Tim fell trying to reach a Power Ranger toy that had fallen on the ledge of the window. She also reported that Daryl won’t even touch his Power Rangers following the surgery. Woah!
When the donor and recipient families met, Tim’s mother immediately recognized the recipient because he had the same crooked smile her son had. Pretty amazing stuff!! (Memory Transfer Between Organ Transplants, By Paul Pearsall, PhD, Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, Linda G. Russek, PhD).
If you’re interested, there are many cases like this one. Check out http://www.mindpowernews.com/OrganMemoryTransfer.htm .