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Energetic Growth Spurt (The Reconnection)

Amy Stark
“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~Albert Einstein

Instantaneous healings?!

Sounds too good to be true—even for me! I had to check out Reconnective Healing. Dr. Eric Pearl developed the “technique”—for lack of a better word. He was a chiropractor in L.A. who was guided (intuitively) to do a little extra healing after each of his chiropractic sessions. He had no idea why he had the urge to wave his hands over a person’s body, but when he did, people were miraculously healing. People who couldn’t walk—were walking. People with diseases—cured. Tumors—gone.

His ability caught the attention of several scientists and medical docs. Everyone seemed to want to explain how and why this was happening!

I bought The Reconnection book, began reading it,used and soon booked the workshop. I had to see firsthand what this was all about!

Dr. Eric Pearl promises that a change happens as soon as you pick up the book and invite this type of healing into your life. He claims that this technique is new and is delivering light and information to the client (instead of energy). I was a bit skeptical until I started noticing some peculiar things.

As I got closer to the workshop (and still reading the book), I found myself being guided to do things out of the norm in my healing sessions. I wasn’t quite sure why or where it came from because I hadn’t learned the Reconnective Healing technique yet. Most people would probably be shocked they were doing a new technique at work like typing with their nose instead of their fingers—but I have gotten used to it. That’s how almost all of my energy work has come to me. I am guided to do certain things to benefit the client so I trust my intuition and go with it.

Shortly after one of my healing sessions, I was making dinner and the electric stove wouldn’t turn off. I’ve gotten pretty use to electronic things acting funny around me. It’s like a rite of passage for an energy worker. Ipods shut off when I get startled, Blackberries become paralyzed when I get disappointing news, and treadmills shut off when I’m not feeling well. This time, since it was the stove, and turning the dial off didn’t work, I had to shut off the circuit breaker. That didn’t even work until I shut off the circuit for the night!

When my energy starts affecting objects I take notice. I know that there is an energetic shift taking place in my body and it could be one of two things— I’m getting sick, or I’m going through an “energetic growth spurt.” That means my energy is taking on a whole new vibration so my energy needs to acclimate.

This time I figured I must be going through an energetic growth spurt because the technical difficulties continued. A gas fireplace turned itself on and off several times while I was visiting my sister and the power in a building went out when I was working on a client. All of these things could be coincidences, except other people in the workshop who reported similar occurrences—indeed, my instructor had the same experience with a fireplace!

What’s even weirder (dare I say), is that the person receiving this energy work responds immediately by making involuntary movements. Let me just tell you, I have never seen these types of movements from any of my clients prior to learning Reconnective Healing. These movements are most definitely involuntary and the people making them generally are unaware they are doing it. Also, some of Dr. Pearl’s clients began unconsciously talking during the session and repeating the same phrases other clients had said. Fascinating!

All of this sounds like a circus act, but what’s amazing is the scientific research that supports these findings AND the claims of miraculous healings.

The research on this form of healing is becoming vast—here’s a snip-itunraveled of the information available. Scientists measured the ambient energy in the room before a Reconnective Healing workshop—during and after. They found the ambient energy soared to the equivalent of raising the room temperature by 300 degrees Celsius—instantaneously! (You may recall from high school physics that the hotter something is the more the atoms bounce around—this is sort of the same concept). The scientists were shocked!

Also, scientists have studied the effects of Reconnective Healing Vs Reiki and other similar energy modalities. They have found Reconnective Healing winds unravelled DNA whereas other energy modalities do not. They also found that Reconnective Healing extends life. They found this using a Ginko leaf as a subject. The control leaf lived 10-14 days, the leaf that received Reiki lived for 30 days, and the leaf with Reconnective Healing lived for 90 days.

Quite impressive!

There is no doubt in my mind that Reconnective Healing is effective and different from other healing modalities.

It is exciting that there is yet another option for healing!


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