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Amy Stark
“If the total band of electromagnetic frequencies [light] is represented by the height of the Empire State Building..the band you see is much less than the height of a grain of sand.” ~Gary Schwartz Ph. D.

Despite how amazing this planet is in all it’s brilliance, it is a proven scientific fact that 99.999 % of the light around us is invisible.

Donna Eden has the ability to see energy with her eyes.

This past weekend I attended her workshop.  She is so vibrant, energetic, charismatic, and beautiful!  I don’t think I stopped smiling for 48 hours.  Donna is going to be 68 years old next month– and she clearly has the energy of a 24-year-old!  She laughs without hesitation, smiles with delight like a child, and is passionate–about nearly everything.  She wraps herself in the present like no one I’ve seen before.  Her attention is so focused on the present– it’s no wonder she is able to see energy clearly.

She can look at a person, see exactly where there is insufficient energy flowing, and restore the flow.  She once had a practice of over 10,000 clients.  She now shares her unique style of seeing energy with millions of people. During a workshop, she spends almost the entire time calling people up to the stage, revealing their personal energy dysfunction, and fixing it on stage in front of everyone!

Donna translates what she sees energetically (which is invisible to many of us) into a visible and tangible demonstration which is called energy (muscle) testing.  Simply put, energy testing is measuring the degree to which energy is flowing through a particular area in the body using the arm as an indicator.  This system can be used by anyone.  And can be used to treat dis-ease and enhance well-being,.  Donna has overcome dyslexia, multiple sclerosis, a heart attack at 24, food allergies and many other health complications.  Amazing!!!

One of the exercises Donna teaches helps children with learning difficulties.  It was discovered in New Zealand that children were not suffering from the same learning disabilities as other children around the world.  They found these children were playing a game that included making figure-eights around their body.  Amazingly, this action has been shown to “unscramble” energies because it is guiding the energy from one side of the brain to the opposite side of the body– and this promotes focus and retention!

They also found that kids who suck their thumb (even for a few moments), were less disruptive in class.  This action corresponds with the action of linking central and governing meridians–which is known to have a calming, centering effect.

Here’s something else to think about… a person with multiple personalities can have a personality that is allergic to peanuts and all other personalities are not.  Studies have shown that a person can be experiencing an allergic reaction (such as hives) under one personality and upon switching personalities, immediately show no signs of that allergic reaction.

If energy isn’t related to illness or dis-ease, how could all this be possible?

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