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Cleanin’ Out My Closet

Amy Stark
“I never meant to make you cry, but tonight I’m cleanin’ out my closet…” ~Eminem

It feels great to do spring cleaning.  We donate clothes, and tidy up and the house feels amazing!  It is lighter and cleaner.  According to Feng Shui, when we do this we are getting rid of stagnant energy which allows for more prosperity to flow into our life.  Who doesn’t want that?!

Our bodies also benefit from spring cleaning. When I work on a client I clear out unnecessary energy from the chakras and balance them, but I also feel energetic imprints on the energetic body.  So, what are energetic imprints?  They are imprints (like a fingerprint) that are left on your energetic body when we experience something emotionally.  The emotion becomes part of us if the body does not process this emotion fully.  Western medicine would suggest talking about emotions and releasing them that way.  I find this method falls short especially when someone is not aware of a feeling they are having.  We have an unbelievable ability to suppress emotions and feelings. In fact, many scientists and psychologists are finding out that the mind is much more powerful than we ever thought!  This type of healing is more multi-dimensional.

As I’ve discussed in earlier blogs, emotions translate into the body on a physical level through the release of hormones, but they also translate into the energetic body through imprints.  I see these imprints and can feel how they manifested.  Essentially, each imprint has an emotional component.  For instance, I might feel an imprint and it is related to a divorce that happened 12 years earlier.  I also may feel a nasty breakup that is so intertwined in the energetic body that is so large, it is pressing on the chest (hence the feeling of “having a weight on your chest,” or “having to get something off your chest”).  What I do for clients is remove these imprints.  You are probably thinking, how is that possible and does it really work? Well, let me explain…

In acupuncture and acupressure, the purpose of the treatment is to get the energy flowing around the body in its optimal way.  Chinese medicine is based on the theory that the body has major meridians (like highways) that supply energy to various parts of the body.  If one of these meridians becomes blocked, subsequent areas of the body (such as organs!) will be receiving less energy–yikes!  Additionally, what is cool about Chinese medicine is that major intersections of these meridians correspond to major overlappings of muscles in the body.  Just like a car sitting in the middle of an intersection slows down or stops traffic, so does blocked energy in the meridians!

When I am working with a client I often find emotional energy trapped in the armpit area and chest.  Interestingly, these are major intersections of muscles, but also the lung meridian points are in this area which also corresponds with the heart chakra.  (Remember, the heart chakra is related to love and grief.)  Also, part of the lymph system is here as well (but I’ll explain why that’s cool too in a minute).  So when I am working in this area, I am working on three different levels, which is why people are so sensitive in this area.

Energetic imprints in these areas look like dense, gray cloudy matter in the shape of an oval or a bean.  They usually are attached to the body by a cord build-up and can be connected to other similar imprints.  Basically, they look very similar to the lymph nodes that sort through the toxins in your system and keep you healthy.  The cool thing about this is that you have another system to help keep you emotionally healthy (thus physically healthy)!  This energetic system catches these floating emotions that have not been fully processed by the heart and mind.  What’s interesting is if there is a build up of these energetic imprints (aka “emotional baggage”) in the armpit area and chest, the person can feel sick, lethargic, and depressed. If there is a build-up of toxins in the body the person can feel sick, lethargic, and depressed too!  Very interesting!

When I have found an energetic imprint that is no longer serving a client, I discuss what I am feeling, ask them to validate the feeling and ask for permission to remove the energetic imprint.  Usually, people want the imprint removed (not always! we like what is comfortable for us! it’s like an old ratty shirt you can’t part with).  At that point, I literally take the energetic imprint off the energetic body to be recycled into more useful energy (energy cannot be created or destroyed). Upon removal, many times a client will cry, sigh, or sob and can feel me removing the energy.  Often it is described like feeling tugging on the body and can feel uncomfortable.  What you should understand is, I am not actually touching the body at this point.  All sensations are coming from the energetic body!

Amazingly, my clients report feeling lighter, and energy flowing better in their bodies.   It is the emotional release with the energetic release that provides the maximum benefit for the client.  Many of my clients report wonderful life changes occurring in the few days following the removal. That is because the energy is no longer stuck in their body and they are now vibrating on a higher level– which brings me to the Law of Attraction…

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